3 Tool Chain

1.1 Install uVision Keil, activation code and register key

Follow the link for instructions to install and register Keil with STM32L0 pack.

1.2 Copy source code to the disk
Optain the firmware from Pervasive Nation and extract the zip file containing the source code to the root of your computer for example.

1.3 Install Packages
Open Keil and navigate to the pack installer located in: Project - Manage - Pack Installer

Make sure the packs based on the STM32L072 are installed as seen below:

1.4 Open project in Keil
Go to:
Project -> Open Project

You should now be presented with your project. Navigate to Projects/End_Node on the left-hand pane. Expand and you should see the main.c file. Open this and this is where most of your programming will take place.